XF 2.1 Activate connected account provider but don't allow logging using it?


Is it possible to activate any account provider (i.e. Google, Facebook, Linkedin....etc) so that users can associate their XF accounts with them but at the same time prevent users from logging-in to XF using an external provider?

I collect customer information during registration and I approve accounts manually. Allowing logging using external providers will bypass the whole setup!

Thank you
There isn't any option for this -- logging in/registering with the connected account provider is essentially the point of the feature, so if you don't want that, then you probably won't get any value out of the feature.
Thank you for your response. My scenario is a little bit different. I have a Discord server and want only my XF users to be able to join the server and utilize the existing XF groups membership to create some sort of mapping between XF users/groups and Discord channels.
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