Lack of interest ACP - Node list - Indicator for "Private" node/forum

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Well-known member
At the moment you cannot tell if a forum is marked as private from the node list - it would be nice to have a visual indicator if a node was private - perhaps list it as bold/red or something like that?

Shaun :D
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Define "private". The permissions link changes color if there are specific permissions for that node.
Define "private".

When you tick "Private" on the node settings? ... :D

I realise that non-default permissions modifies the colours of the permissions background, but there's still no specific indicator to show when a node has been marked as private. Not from the node list anyway.

The colour change was a suggestion that avoided adding an extra column - but equally an * on the end of the node name or some other similar, low impact, visual device would be useful. (y)

Shaun :D
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