Account Upgrades


Well-known member
Hello everyone,

I am interested to know what everyone offers their members with their account upgrades. I am looking to add account upgrades, but I am unsure of what to offer the members.

Access to hidden forums is not an option.
Neither is larger inbox, signature, avatar.

My idea at the moment is

User Title
Bypass Flood Check
Change Username
Post Edit Time
Thread Title Edit Time
Animated Avatar

Any other suggestions?

Increased account security - two factor authentication by sheep cow
Personal forums - social forums by waindigo
Invite more people to conversations
Delete your own profile posts (and/or manage messages on profile page)
IMO, these things are childish and you won't get a lot of income from that (or if you have some crazy big board and then maybe you do). My agenda is taking money from users only for additional services I provide on my website, such as developing tools, consultations, etc`.
Maybe take the time and effort to develop something unique to your forum that nobody has it, and charge users money for it.
I offer a 10% discount on certain products we sell via our shop to our Premium Members. They can normally make their Premium Membership fee back after a single purchase.
Ironically the one thing we have on the site which is unique on the web we allow free access to for all registered members.

That is my problem too. The competition charges for all of its services. All of our services (non-forum features AND forum features) are free. So it is difficult to charge for account upgrades since all of the usual ones are free.
We are the same, that is why I had to link the account upgrade to a physical product discount, as our forum is totally free to use. We don't hide any content even from guests (we just show them a few more adverts).
I'm also thinking of account upgrades but it isn't easy to find something unique.
Dp forums charge over 100 dollars for upgrades, now that's some business.
How many premium members should they have?
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