Abbreviation Expansion [Paid] [Deleted]

It would be good if something actually happened on Android, nothing on touch / click ;)
It might be worth having the full text show on click rather than constantly. If someone uses lots of abbreviations, seeing the full text after every abbreviation will become annoying.
It might be worth having the full text show on click rather than constantly. If someone uses lots of abbreviations, seeing the full text after every abbreviation will become annoying.

Not a bad point, I'll add that in (and make it an option or style property).

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I could use something like this.
But it would be really cool to set acronyms and definitions in admin, and auto link them with a title attribute

ie: if someone said "I like XF more than BB" the XF and BB are pre-defined in admin and woul dhave title attributes showing the values "Xenforo" and "Bulletin Board"
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