A lack of "fun" add-ons, is what is on my mind


Well-known member
Two days ago, a new idea for an add-on popped in my mind. Don't know why it did, it just did.

It will be called Cupids Arrow. What it will do is allow members to shoot an arrow (read as an emoji) and only one arrow at a time to another member. No text, just an emoji.

I was going to add this feature to my quick message add-on but decided to make it it's own add-on.

If you watched any movies or TV shows that had Cupid in it, you know that sometimes he/she was not portrayed as perfect, and sometimes a little on the not-so-good side. So I was thinking of adding the following options:

  • anonymous: a member receives and emoji as an alert, but does not know who sent it.
  • miss rate: Vicky decides to send a love emoji to Teddy, but it misses him and hits Sheila. The miss rate will be admin set from 0% (no misses) to 100% (always misses), and anywhere in between. The % admins select would probably be based on how well their members get along...

Anyways just an idea I'm floating around for an add-on, and hope it will add some light-hearted fun to forums. So, time to get started on Cupids Arrow.
I'd love for someone to create a drone-a-post, nuke-a-thread addon so users can have the ability to visually destroy posts and threads.

Burgess Meredith Meme GIF
I can't see this on my Xenforo board but it would be ideal for another site where I am a member. Alas, they don't use Xenforo (I have spoken well of it to the owner, but she has spent a ton of money customizing the hell out of an open source codebase so I doubt she's interested in switching).
Well the front end is all done. For testing, I set the option to always miss the intended target, even Admins are not exempt from missing their target and hitting a different member.

My admin account (eaeAdmin) was to hurl a potato at BrazenGuy, but it missed him and hit ZooGuy. Even though ZooGuy is a moderator he does not have the bypassUserPrivacy permission, so he doesn't know who hurled a potato at him. See the SS.

Also this add-on respects users privacy settings for who can launch an arrow at them (members, following, none), so if the launcher misses their target and hits another who set their privacy setting to following (and they are not following you), it will display a miss. If the intended target was hit and that target set their privacy setting to following (and they are not following you), it will display a username can not be targeted at this time message.

All that is left to do now, are stats for the AdminCP, and a cron job for pruning arrows after X days (it will default to 90).


  • alert.webp
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  • missed_target.webp
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  • ready_to_launch.webp
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  • selected_settings.webp
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