A forum without a forum

It is highly unlikely to ever get BBC permission to upload as opposed to embed unless there can be some kind of official BBC backing which I also think is unlikely but worth pursuing, after all it's free PR for them so who knows?

It's not actually the BBC that needs to grant permission, BocPix are the body that needs to be approached, which is basically going to the horse's trough as that is Brendan O'Carroll's company. The BBC, as well as RTE, are partners with BocPix, but it's BocPix that hold the rights.

n order to create the bios you either need xenForo's pages (not very versatile, require html as opposed to visual editor) or you will need an article addon.

The site is actually created using XF Core as the base and @Bob add-on AMS (Article Management System). I would not use WP as it is too slow in my past and current experience and does not offer the features that I prefer. I did actually think about for a little while, and then decided not to go down that route.

I didn't want threads or a forum list because (recent) past experience has shown that people are not interested in starting or engaging in discussions; they prefer to comment and, if necessary, comment on comments. Quick, easy and all in one place; not scattered all over the place. It's also an experiment to see how people react to it - when I say 'people' I mean Joe Public, not exclusively other forum Admins. It's an attempt to embrace the SM audience in a different way whilst utilising something that is familiar from an Admin perspective. Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but then that's what experimentation is about lol.

I didn't want threads or a forum list because (recent) past experience has shown that people are not interested in starting or engaging in discussions; they prefer to comment and, if necessary, comment on comments. Quick, easy and all in one place; not scattered all over the place.

If you have done all the research I won't contradict what you've found for your userbase, I totally respect that you have found wordpress doesn't do what you want. I'm just saying what I would prefer - as a user of forums and comment based formats. I use imdb quite a lot, but would still way prefer a forum, and would probably join yours if it was a forum because I like to have discussions as opposed to commenting and commenting on comments. Just saying.

What I don't understand is why would the (thread based) alternative to what you have mean things are "scattered all over the place?"
What I've found is that people are happy to view the content but do not want to engage in conversations - they are happy to leave a comment, but that's as far as their interaction goes. I'm not saying that happens on every site, just what I have experienced over the last several years (a steady movement away from discussions) and more so recently; I've been doing forums for 17 years. Here's an example, the last three sites I created I pushed the content on SM (FB, Twitter, etc) and loads of people came flocking in to see what was there; then they left. No interest in registering, no interest in discussing or even looking around to see what else may be there. Time and again I did this and time and again they came flooding in - they were happy to like and retweet/share, but just not interested in discussing.

So, in order to create something that people may enjoy without the problematic time it takes to register, then search and read and then think of a reply (if they ever get that far); this experimentation is designed to eliminate all of that. The content on the front page randomises so the same content is not necessarily there on each visit. There are numerous links to take them into the full categories to explore - and it's all visual with very little to read. The only place there will be extended text is in the cast Bio's and they're there if they want to read them.

I'm looking at the permissions in the AMS system to see if non-registered members can, at least, rate each snippet. That will, in itself, give an indication of interest.

There is a world of consumers out there, and very few of them are interested in becoming providers; that's our role as Admins, to provide so that they can consume - that's how it is out there and it's why new forums are finding it hard to garner interest from those who are willing to contribute. It's sad, but that's how it is - unless you are very lucky and can find a niche that hasn't already been covered.

As I mentioned several times, this is an experimental site to see how it works out - if at all. It also illustrates that the core of XF can be utilised in ways that have not been explored.

As always, I appreciate the comments and feedback - at least there is contribution taking place and that is good to see.

It also illustrates that the core of XF can be utilised in ways that have not been explored.

Bravo! This is quite the edge case for something like xenforo! Also, this is the first I've ever seen of this show. I don't get BBC across the pond without paying stupid amounts of money so I've never heard of it, but damn that is hilarious! Literally wiping tears out of my eyes while trying to type this.
All still to come - just been really busy with work so haven't had time to get to the information side. I'm also considering moving it to another platform as I have something else in mind for my XF licence; all on paper at the moment, so nothing cast in stone. I'll make the final decision once I get everything into place.

@Kintaro Yeah, I have had time to research WP in more depth; past experience was quite a while ago and I can see now that WP has progressed greatly since that time. I've just finished a site for a client using WP and with the help of a few really good plug-ins it flies. I have also found an excellent theme that goes above and beyond to help make the creation process much more user friendly. I can see WP being used to take over my current project, allowing me to use my XF licence for something else I have in mind; but that is way down the line for now. I need to do more research and then make the conversion from XF to WP before utilising my XF in my new project.

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