XF 2.2 500 Error

The server error log, not the XF ACP error log.

You will need to log in to your hosting account, cPanel, FTP to view it.

Contact your host if you don't know where the error log is on the server.
It also shows you are using a much older Xenforo 2.2.5, if you check out your website domain/install

The newer versions use a newer php. Maybe the host dropped support for an old and unsupported php or something?

I'd def keep current with the version, if possible. There are security fixes in most of them that should be applied, to keep your system secure.
Thanks for the comments you all. Well, my lower php has to exist cause a higher level will mess up my forum. However, my forum has messed up anyway. Are you all sure it's not about increasing php capacity?

I also operate at a lower php for another one of my forums (not XF) but it is still working.
I was using the ea-php when I was supposed to use alt-php, because they were using cloud Linux. The hosting fixed it The error logs was in the public_html directory.
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