XF 1.4 404 Not Found


I've recently been trying to install Xenforo on my website mcwarcraft.com

I use a dedicated ubuntu server and I've uploaded all the necessary files in my var/www/forums directory and also set the permissions correctly.

When I navigate to the url www.mcwarcraft.com/forums/install I get a 404 Not Found error.

I was wondering if anyone could help me fix this so I can continue with the installation?
As far as I can tell, there are no files in the /forums directory.

Are you sure you have the hosting configured correctly and uploaded the files to the correct location?
If the DNS is still propagating then that could be a factor.

You can force the IP address in your Windows hosts file which will allow you to access the site.
I used to have the site up and running a couple of months ago but I deleted all the files.

Screen Shot 2016-01-04 at 10.16.24 AM.webp

That is a picture of my DNS. I'm not sure what is needed in the DNS for this to work, hopefully this looks ok?
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