XF 2.3 403 Error for Links of Hidden Profiles


Active member

If a user group is blocked from viewing member profiles, or if a user has blocked their profile from being seen by other users, they are redirected to a 403 error page.
Unfortunately, this results in thousands of erroneous links in the form of "broken links" in the analytics.
Is there a solution to this issue?

For example, when I visit XenForo as a visitor, a user profile opens.
But when I open my own site as a visitor and click on a profile, I get a "login or registration" page.
Check you usergroup permissions.
There is a difference between general permissions managed by the administrator and privacy managed by each member.
Profile links are not clickable, although permissions are open to guests.
When I manually paste the url and try to open it, I get the "login or register" page.
baffling :(
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