Fixed Missing phrase number of tags exceeded

Seems to be a phrase from a 3rd party add-on... any add-on relative to tags installed on your instance?
I can't find this phrase.
When i do a search in files, i find it in "js\xf\token_input-compiled" and in "js\vendor\tagify\", will take a look there...

But, if this comes from an add-on, what is normally added when we exceed the number of tags in the direct message, does it say anything about the fact that we've exceeded the limit?

You are absolutely right, I can't find this phrase but it also appears for me on a local installation without an add-on.
It appears and disappears in a second. Probably a bug...

Capture d'écran 2024-08-25 121143.webp

You are absolutely right, I can't find this phrase but it also appears for me on a local installation without an add-on.
It appears and disappears in a second. Probably a bug...

View attachment 309623
Yes it appears and disappears and work perfectly! ;) but i would like to translate :)
In .js file i see the name yairEO and gitub and on github we can find "Tagify - Transforms an input field or a textarea into a Tags component"
I can't say it comes from an add on, but it work as it should ;)
So it's related to the recipients, the mention of tags was confusing.

It's likely a bug based on the text alone - it should be recipients, not tags.

I'll move it to bugs for the developers to check.
Thank you for reporting this issue, it has now been resolved. We are aiming to include any changes that have been made in a future XF release (2.3.3).

Change log:
Override some missing phrases for token inputs.
There may be a delay before changes are rolled out to the XenForo Community.
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