🇪🇸 XenForo 2.2.8 Spanish Translation [Deleted]

To clarify this a bit.

The file is uploaded to verify that the user is the owner of the site, that it is not nulled, and that it is obviously not a site that infringes systematic copyright.

Personally, a site with few messages, closed or abandoned, does not give me enough trust to discard to i say above.

Also, in case it is strange, the file (blank file) is created by the user, and can be deleted once the translation is received.


Para aclarar esto un poco.

El archivo se sube para comprobar que el usuario es el propietario del sitio, que este no sea nulled, y que obviamente no sea un sitio que infrinja de forma sistemática el copyright.

Personalmente un sitio con pocos mensajes, cerrado o abandonado, no me da la confianza suficiente para descartar lo anterior.

Ademas, por si resulta raro, el archivo lo crea el usuario, y puede borrarlo una vez recibida la traducción.
Very excited to have you back, @Fulgura. Your translation is wonderful and the best I've seen in my 18+ years managing online forums.

PM sent!

Although it is a masterpiece without equal, it seems to me that it has too many requirements. I find it a bit offensive to have to go through so many hoops and have them look at you with a magnifying glass whether you are legal or not.
Why not utilise the XenForo licence validator? Would make more sense, and get much more reach for work that someone's spent a long time doing well with.
And it means diddily to the pirate sites, they are hosted offshore, so laws do not apply to them.

Now say it without crying. :p (es broma)

I don't know what to say, it's not my problem either. If I had something to do with that issue I wouldn't be so active in the forum, I would try to be quieter and more unnoticed.

What I don't like is being made to feel that I don't have a presumption of innocence, but rather the opposite.
I agree - But then why bother doing anything?

There are many developers who offer their resources for free, I like to download and test as many as I have time. But the only requirement that I have been asked so far is my license token.
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