
  1. Painbaker

    [OzzModz] XenPorta Improvements 2.0.1 Beta 1

    A collection of awesome new features for the widely popular XenPorta 2 Featured Threads addon by 8WayRun! Adds a new horizontal list layout, widget enhancements, animations and more. Feature list: New horizontal list layout New FontAwesome UI controls for the Feature slider You can now set...
  2. C

    Other Custom XenPorta layout tied with style [Paid]

    We're looking for a developer to assist us in making a new front page of our forum with XenPorta. Our current homepage: http://www.brawl.com/ Our current XenPorta page: http://www.brawl.com/news/ This is what we are looking for: The slider needs to be easily editable to add and remove...
  3. Valor

    XF 1.5 Does Xenforo Feeder Require Xenforo Gallery?

    I have been trying to find an answer to this question for about an hour and don't see anything specifically related. I currently have XenPorta and XenMedio installed and went to try and set up an RSS feed to create threads in a news forum and am getting this error: Please let me know if...
  4. tr1age

    Unmaintained XenPorta 2 Recent Thread Widget Rich Usernames and READ/UNREAD color. 2015-08-21

    So if you would like to have The Xenporta 2 Recent Thread Sidebar Block to have Read and Unread titles a different color, as well as rich usernames, here is the code you need. Find EWRwidget_Threads And find the following: <xen:foreach loop="$wUncached" value="$thread"> <li...
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