
  1. D.C Style

    D.C Style - Attachment view 1.1.2

    Introduce Allow guest to view specific attachment extensions. Installation Download and unzip it Upload to your server Install the add-on from Admincp Go to AdminCP -> Options -> Attachment View for configuration
  2. Kruzya

    XF 2.1 View name in Inline moderation handlers

    I try understand how work with integrated in XenForo inline moderation. And one moment bothers me. If we open, for example, action for deleting posts, in renderForm() we can see view with name XF:Public:InlineMod\Post\Delete. I can't understand, why in this case class type is Public, not Pub. I...
  3. p410n3

    XF 2.0 Cant load view?

    Hello. I am currently trying to get a simple add on up and running, but I already fail at displaying a view. I build an controller and route using this as a reference: But I get a template not found: Code:
  4. CMTV

    XF 2.0 Returned view is showing inside popup

    Hi! I have extended Thread class and added my own action... methods. At the end of my action I want to simply show current thread (with page refresh) (thread where my button was clicked): return $this->redirectPermanently($this->buildLink('threads', $thread)); The problem is that current...
  5. A

    XF 1.5 How to change vertical position of rich text editor in edit mode

    I get to edit a lot of messages. Each time I hit "Edit" I'm taken to this view: I want to change the vertical position of the browser window to start with the upper border of the text editor's tool bar once "Edit" has been hit: Can this be done by editing templates? If so, how?
  6. Allan

    Unmaintained Resource View Count - 1.0.0

    This add-on allows you to display a counter of the number to views of the resources.
  7. Cyb3r

    How to extend the view

    I have a paid add-on and I would like to extend it's view to members card, how hard is it going to be and how many files do I have to modify? Thanks in advance.
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