Most forums have on-topic forums in addition to some off-topic ones. Some offtopic conversations do end up getting popular and big. While it is fun to see offtopic threads appearing in trending widget... The widget becomes kind of pointless if most threads appearing there are from offtopic...
Please consider creating a dedicated page for trending just like featured posts. The data is already there and can be used to highlight more content that is popular on board. I can possibly create a widget with 50 or even 100 threads and find a position for it but it won't have pagination. Just...
It would be very useful to be able to see statistics for each node. For example:
Top contributors.
Most active threads.
Most popular threads in the last X days.
Activity over time.
Top Locations. (which locations are the posters from)
Include subforums Y/N
Conversely it would be very useful...