
  1. Cupara

    XF 2.1 Converting UTC datetime to readable datetime

    I have this type of DateTime: This is in UTC and I need to convert it to: So far I have this in my template: {{ date(date_from_format("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\Z", '{$posts.created_at}'), '') }} How do I get this to convert and display properly? Right now it displays as Jan 1, 1970, and I'm not sure...
  2. Sim

    Time Zone Debug 1.0.0

    Provides a simple admin UI for debugging timezone issues on your server. After installation, look for the "Time Zone Debug" option in the Tools menu of the admin UI. If UTC time is incorrect (Google it: UTC time) - you most likely have a server configuration issue and not a XenForo issue...
  3. ActorMike

    Cannot reproduce TimeZone on Server/PHP not honored in Logs

    Our log files are always +5 hours ahead of what our PHP/Server time is. We've confirmed with support our server time and PHP.ini time is correct and this is a possible bug. On a side note, why doesn't the cron have the ability to use a timezone other than UTC?
  4. ActorMike

    XF 2.1 Timezone in cron/logs does not match server time zone

    I have my user account and the guest all set to US- Eastern time. The clock on the server is correct. The PHP.ini says date.timezone=America/New_York My cron and Log files are all +5 hours. The posts times in the forum are correct. How do a fix this? Also happened in XF 1.5, just never...
  5. A

    Add-on Stop Forum Spam for timezone (additional field)

    Hi, i hope, that`s correctly area for my question / problem :) is it possible, with a timezone query to stop forum spam? i mean, the most unlucky registrations are from another land (timezone). If all users not coming from the timezone X ( two or three exceptions ) are put on moderation. Would...
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