
  1. yazer

    Thinking changing website

    Hello all I run gamers site for near year it's slow like 50 members. I found out there gamer site near same name after months building. I was thinking changing to everyday forum now
  2. yazer

    Add-on Game review addon

    Looking see if there is free review addon or something like Imdb addon to post into forums to review games?
  3. yazer

    Add-on media addon thats free

    Was looking to see if there media addon that free, i think $60 bit much for offical media addon when your site makes no income
  4. yazer

    Add-on xbox and psn leaderboard

    Hello, been looking addon like this for long time now, found website with API for showing stats like tophies, the site is and it be great if someone could point me in right way it be great thanks
  5. yazer

    XF 1.5 xenforo image remove

    When i post url from my site to facebook or other sites it shows url and image of xenforo how do i remove the image and add own logo ?
  6. yazer

    The GameHolics

    Started forums for gamers and changed the domain name due users thinking it was for clan, was started in early Feb, and its hobbie not for making ad money or anything just because i enjoy gaming, any feed back would be great
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