
  1. BassMan

    [cXF] About Tab as Default 1.0.0

    Description: Show About tab on member view as default. Screenshot:
  2. BassMan

    [cXF] What's New Tabs on Forum List 1.2.3

    Description: Add What's new tabs to the forum list with some extra features. For instance, now you can decide to remove the What's New navigation tab completely. Features: add What's New tabs to the forum list added the Forum list tab link option to remove each default tab separately (What's...
  3. BassMan

    [cXF] Mega Menu Tab 1.1.0

    Description: Add a mega menu tab to your navigation with some extra features. DEMO on Features: set position of mega menu tab on bigger screens (as first navigation tab or as the last one) set position of mega menu tab on mobile (as top navigation tab or as the bottom one)...
  4. H

    XF 1.5 Navigation bar stopped displaying tabLinks

    Hello. For some reason, my forum tabLinks (referenced from div class) are not showing up as you can see on Screenshot 1. tabLinks should include Find New Posts, Find Threads etc on the reserved light gray bar before the Search Bar. However, when I navigate to Members page from navigation bar, it...
  5. C

    XF 2.1 Home / Logo links to open in new tabs

    I just changed my linking and public navigation for the Home button and the logo (they differ now). However, I want them to open in new tabs. Is there a way to do this easily? I can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated!
  6. BassMan

    [cXF] Add What's New beside Alerts tab 1.7.5

    Description: This add-on adds an icon (optional with text) with link to What's New page on the right side of Alerts tab or Search tab. Text beside icon is phrased so you can easily change it. It's not visible on mobile. [cXF] Top Navigation add-on is supported works with UI.X style LIVE DEMO...
  7. XFA

    [XFA] Thread Tabs - XF2 2.4.1

    Description Have you ever wished to provide your users with the capability to add additional content to their threads ? Yes ?! Then Thread Tabs is the answer. Very simple to use, it lets your user create as much tabs as they want through a few clicks within the thread. Tabs can either be pure...
  8. C

    XF 2.0 Open (added) nav link in new tab

    I just added a store link to my navigation menu by going to Setup>Public Navigation, but I can not figure out what I need to do in order to get that new link to open up a new tab. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
  9. C

    Demo and Pre-sale question

    Okay, I am playing with the DEMO software and I see "Media" in the tab area. Is this the "Media Gallery"? It is hard to differentiate what is add-on from what is the forum software only. I ask this because I am trying to see what image functionality is available in the standard forum...
  10. XFA

    [XFA] Default Profile Tab 1.0.0

    Description Allow your users to select their profile tab by default Features Usergroup permission Allow user to select his default profile tab Install/Uninstall instructions The readme is available HERE.
  11. creativeforge

    XF 1.5 Profile Posts - remove, modify text area from "Profile Page?"

    When we click on a member's avatar, the pop-up has a link to Profile Page. On that Profile Page, there is a text area under Profile Posts right at the top. It says "Write something." This is often confusing as people believe this to be a kind of shoutbox or PM to the member. But we end up...
  12. Dadparvar

    XF 1.5 How to hide Forum tab

    Hi, How it is possible to hide this tab without commenting its code manually? Hiding with editing "navigation" template is possible. But is there any option in ACP to do it by checking or unchecking any checkbox? Regards
  13. P

    Implemented Instead of caption tab, message should display under the image.

    Instead of caption tab, caption messages should display under the uploaded image without a separate tab as caption.
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