
  1. Fastline

    XF 2.0 Sitemap

    AFAIK, the XF automatically submits the sitemaps to the Google and Bing Webmasters. Would it be wrong if i manually submit the sitemap to the Google, Bing and other webmasters? What's the best solution for this? Another thing is i want my forum to be like this. This is the page what i get when...
  2. CMTV

    XF 2.0 Pass value from modal to page without page reload

    I have a page with the button "Add dependency" and hidden input field. <xf:button href="{{ link('UP/trophies/addDependency', $trophy) }}" class="button--add" icon="add" overlay="true">{{ phrase('UP_add_dependency') }}</xf:button> <input name="page_dependencyValue" type="hidden" value=""> The...
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