
  1. P

    XF 2.0 Sharing Posts on Twitter with picture shown

    Heyho, I have a question, I want to make it possible sharing posts of my threads on Twitter, including pictures of this posts, like a smale preshow of the Foto next to the text. How can i get this? Tweets with pictures are lot more interesting! Thx for your help! Cheers :)
  2. WeaponOwl

    Unmaintained UserVoice (XF 2.1) 2.2 Beta 2

    Description: Mark some of your forum as UserVoice forum for allow users like/dislike threads on it. UserVoice forums marked with lantern icon at news feed. At forum view staff answers should be poster below thread (see screenshots). Technical description: Extend forum class by flag for make it...
  3. Y

    As designed Topic picture on Xenforo 2 share

    When topics are shared on social platforms like Facebook or Google Plus, they do not display a picture of the topic on the share. It would be nice if you could find a solution to this.
  4. G

    XF 1.5 Open Graph Image : First Post attachment or Image link

    Hello ! I'm trying to find something that add in the og:image the first image attachment in the post. Or the first image linked. How can I do that please ? I found something from Jake Bunce here ...
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