
  1. Yusareba

    XF 1.5 User Permissions Conflict?

    I'll try to make this as brief as possible. After setting User group permissions, I (admin) am now defaulted to registered user, and included in ALL user groups under secondary at the same time. None of the user group permission settings are set to "Never/red". When I attempt to edit myself...
  2. Michael Murguia

    XF 1.5 SQL Help - Adding Secondary Groups, and Upgrades

    Hi All! First, thank you in advance for your help! Below, the specific question is highlighted in blue! I think I am about half way through this project, and would love some help completing the task. Part 1 Adding a secondary group via SQL using an email list works fine like this: UPDATE...
  3. Mr Lucky

    Not planned Registered as primary should be compulsory

    So many threads (many from vbulletin migrations) are about permissions and usergroups that have issues because people think they should work like vbulletin. Isn't it about time a primary basic registered usergroup was made as a default and not changeable. It is the only practical way the...
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