
  1. ⭐ Alex ⭐

    XF 2.2 Is There Still a Reason to Not Use SameSite Strict or Lax for Cookies?

    I've put $config['cookie']['samesite'] = 'Strict'; into my config.php, deleted my cookies and verified their SameSite attribute are set to Strict. Then I tried accessing my forum from a link on social media. I also tried registering using a social media account and logging in. Everything...
  2. gldtn

    SameSite attribute inline-mod

    Xenforo: 2.2.13 I'm getting errors in the browser console(links to /inline-mod/): And a couple more linking to (inject.js) EDIT: <--- This is not related to Xenforo, it's seems like it's from DuckDuckGo extension :confused...
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