
  1. M

    Third party Table cell containing only link doesn't trigger quick edit pop-up

    You have to remove the link in order to select the cell and get the quick-edit pop-up showing.
  2. CMTV

    XF 2.0 Create relation entity if not exists

    Hi! I want for Trophy entity to have default relation with TrophyData entity. $structure->relations = array_merge($structure->relations, [ 'UP' => [ 'entity' => 'UserProgression:TrophyData', 'type' => self::TO_ONE, 'conditions' => 'trophy_id', 'primary' =>...
  3. CMTV

    XF 2.0 PHP <xf:codeeditorrow...

    Hi! I am trying to add PHP <xf:codeeditorrow in my admin template. I tried this code: <xf:codeeditorrow name="test_name" value="..." mode="php" data-line-wrapping="true" class="codeEditor--autoSize" /> But I get an error every time I hit...
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