route filters

  1. djgxp

    XF 2.1 Create a new url pattern for some threads without using route filters

    I'm doing some development on a huge forum with about 3.5 million threads. I have an extended class for XF:Thread in an addon that is adding a new field is_faq which is a boolean. I have about 6000 urls to convert to /faq/... instead of /threads/... First, in my extended class, just before the...
  2. M

    XenStaff Route Filter Query

    Hello Guys, I have the XenStaff addon added to my site ( When you click "Staff" in the header bar at the top, it redirects you to XenStaff and displays the staff members as it should. Currently, when you click on "Staff" it will take you to...
  3. KensonPlays

    XF 2.0 Route Filters for specific board?

    For some reason, it won’t let me route /forums/blog/ to /blog/ — Is this possible? Screenshot attached is what I attempted to do. Unsure on why I can’t make <SITE>/forums/blog/ redirect to <SITE>/blog/
  4. manicomio

    Do route filters have a performance hit?

    Does having too many route filters affect the performance of the server? Switching from a vB4 install, I plan on making some route filters for my most active members in the style of for around my top 50 members, I don't know if having too many filters taxes the server much...
  5. MR.MB

    XF 1.5 need help for my threads on google (Route Filters)

    HI, I use Route Filters for few days after that i remove it but google get no change for back when i try to remove the filters i see that all the threads on google not come back to normal url i cant access my threads from google now if i remove the filters so anyone can help me what can i do...
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