So I have a piece of code;
What it does is lists a reaction, plus it's count. It works fine, but the raeaction title name does not show up (only the Icon).
So instead of;
:) x2
I want it to look like;
:)smile x2
What am I missing? I presume reactionsTitle or something....
I saw this as a feature in xenforo 1.5 (perhaps a plugin) where the post reaction bar would have every reaction with a number count, followed by a list option in the end.
So it would look like;
:) x 4 :love: x3 :cool:x2 :mad:x1 list
@Chris D was this native in 1.5 or an add-on? I...
There are two simple features that I would like to have on my forum. I'm willing to pay $10 for each.
Hide message reactions from select user groups
Collapsible custom thread fields (individually and/or all as a collection, maybe for select user groups even: whatever is technically reasonable...
Hello XenForo Community :)
I would like add reaction system of xenforo into addon Social Group, i have create addon for extend the extension, but i have a problem and i don't see a solution about my error.
I have this error :
LogicException: Unknown relation or alias Reactions accessed on...
I searched and didn't see anything relevant to what I want to suggest, but as always I could have used the wrong keywords. Please merge if necessary!
The forum I'm on uses the Reaction plugin which is extremely useful, considering a lot of our members are migrants from another board that uses...
Hey guys this is a short guide for a template modification you can use for adding a reputation system to your site based on reaction score. This is similar to @AzzidReign guide for trophy points on Xenforo 1 but this is for reaction score and for Xenforo 2. Shout outs to @AzzidReign for...