quick thread

  1. BassMan

    [cXF] Quick thread per forum 1.1.1

    Disable (remove) quick thread on a forum basis. < options > Example: < show quick thread > < disable quick thread in a forum >
  2. AddonsLab

    Guest Posting for XenForo 2.x by AddonsLab 1.8.0

    Add-On Information For XenForo 1.x version of this add-on please check Here The add-on allows guests to create threads/posts replies, and register after they have posted the content. This makes posting on your forums attractive, but handles spam message and invalid registrations automatically...
  3. AddonsLab

    Guest Posting by AddonsLab 1.6.0

    Add-On Information For XenForo 2.x version of this add-on please check Here The add-on allows guests to create threads/posts replies, and register after they have posted the content. This makes posting on your forums attractive, but handles spam message and invalid registrations automatically...
  4. AddonsLab

    Quick Thread by AddonsLab 1.10.2

    Add-On Information The add-on allows users to quickly post a thread in any forum. The interface and functionality are inspired by Thread Prompt available in XenForo 2.x versions. You can find the most of the features from XenForo 2.x available in this add-on, such as: Admin Panel page to...
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