post thread

  1. Tamasita

    XF 2.2 Showing "Post Thread" Button for Guests

    Hello,I'm looking for a way to display the "Post Thread" button to guest users on my XenForo forum. Currently, only registered members can post, but I'd like guests to see the button (even if they can't actually post) to encourage registration. I've tried editing the forum_view template, but...
  2. Nebulous

    Add 'Post Reply' & 'Post Thread' buttons to the top of thread view pages

    This is just a simple template edit that will give your forum 'Post Reply' and 'Post Thread' buttons at the top of thread view pages. Post Reply button will open an overlay where users can reply directly to the thread they're currently viewing. Post Thread button will open an overlay where...
  3. BassMan

    [cXF] Sticky Create Button 1.3.1

    Description: Show sticky create button on several places with some extra features. Features: enable sticky Post thread button (enable it separately for mobile) on forum list (to show always on only on scroll) enable sticky Post thread button (enable it separately for mobile) on forum view (to...
  4. Amin Sabet

    XF 2.0 New Thread button on every page including Page nodes and Thread View?

    Can anyone help me with a template edit to put the new thread button on every page including Page nodes and Thread View? I followed this tutorial to make a front page for my site at I'd like to have a Post Thread button on the front page as well as in the...
  5. Chromaniac

    XF 2.0 How to add Post Thread button on thread pages?

    I was using a template modification on XF1.x. Looking for a similar code for XF2. Thanks! Sigh. Just realized this should be in customization section. Sorry.
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