
  1. Jim McClain

    Cannot reproduce Insert Quotes Anomaly

    Using the Chrome browser on my desktop PC, I multi-quoted a couple of messages for a reply. When I clicked the Insert Quotes button, only one message appeared in the popup and it wasn't from either of the messages I wanted to quote. I clicked the Remove button, but nothing happened. When I...
  2. J

    Multi-Quote Error

    When using Multi-Quote I have just started to get this Error - The selected message could not be found Nothing has been added or changed to the forum, Reply works fine, but the Multi-Quote does not. Any ideas on what's causing this?
  3. Amaury

    As designed Multi-Quote - Single Quote Insertion

    Strictly speaking, this is likely not a "true bug," but might be worth doing. When you only have one quoted message in the multi-quote overlay, it's technically incorrect for there to be Review Selected Messages and Quote These Messages as there's only one (singular) message you'll be quoting...
  4. Amaury

    XF 1.5 Hide Reply and Multi-Quote Options from First Post

    There was a template modification that I used back when we were on vBulletin to hide the ability to quote the first post as it wasn't really necessary to do that, and I was wondering if there's a similar template edit I can make on XenForo with the Reply, which is essentially Reply with Quote...
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