
  1. chrisc132

    Moving from PHPBB

    Hi there, I've just started a forum with PHPBB as there was minimal cost involved. If the forum works, then I'll be investing more in it. By that I mean, upgrading forum software and switching to Xenforo. Can you tell me if it's an easy process to migrate from the latest version of phpbb to...
  2. S

    15 hours and counting upgrade

    I had someone delete XF off its main server, I moved files over to a new server, but it has php7.4 on it. Upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1.10 unable to remove Widget Framework before I started the update, but its been running for 15 hours now, its progressing; just very slowly. It updates by a thousand...
  3. LandyVlad

    Change ownership/migrate server

    This is a potential scenario for me, in a not-for-profit context. I've no previous Xenforo experience, but do run a different SMF forum so am familiar with general hosting etc. Existing Xenforo forum (domainame1.com) on Host A. Owned by person 1. Person 1 may cede/ nominally 'sell' to me (as...
  4. R

    XF 2.0 Migrating hosts

    I'm moving to a new hosting provider because reasons. I'd like to rebuild the server from scratch since I inherited the current configuration, so I will know everything that was done to it,vand can document the process. That said, is the best approach to set up a new install of XF, then import...
  5. Steve Bowman

    Migrating vBulletin 5.2.2, what's involved?

    I have a Forum on the Cloud version of vbulletin. It says 5.2.2 at the bottom of the home page. I'm extremely unhappy with vbulletin to the point of talking to my lawyer to see if I can sue them. When I upgraded in February, I had a thriving forum that had been in existence for almost 20...
  6. Kintaro

    wordreference.com migrated to xenforo

    I just noticed it WordReference Forums
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