lost password

  1. R

    Need MySQL Query to Create New User

    I work for a new company and unfortunately the previous admins have left so there's no way to log into my XenForo admin screen. Also, when going to the "lost-password page I see an "Verification: reCAPTCHA verification is loading. Please refresh the page if it does not load." error so I can't...
  2. R

    Not a bug Create a New Admin User using MySQL

    I work for a new company and unfortunately the previous admins have left so there's no way to log into my XenForo admin screen. Also, when going to the "lost-password page I see an "Verification: reCAPTCHA verification is loading. Please refresh the page if it does not load." error so I can't...
  3. Tan Tran

    Unmaintained NoPass 1.0

    I was trying to create a Demo account on my website and Demo account should be not allowed to change password, request new passwords or change email. Then i ended up with this addon. This simple addon will add some new general permissions to usergroups/users. - Disable Password Change ability...
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