
  1. Wildcat Media

    Creating attractive color palettes in XenForo using Adobe Color

    I have designed many color themes for XenForo boards over the years, and at times I would struggle with finding good sets of colors to use. Too many colors can make a design look too busy, and odd color combinations do not appeal to the eye. In addition, there were times I wanted shaded...
  2. DeltaHF

    Fixed Removing text color in Style Properties breaks entire page layout

    With the default theme, if you remove an explicit color definition of a property, it will break the entire layout of the page. To replicate, delete the "Color" field of the "Navigation row" in the "Header and navigation" style properties. It is set to @xf-chromeTextColor by default: This...
  3. developr

    XF 2.0 class of usermark popup?

    Does somebody know the class of the popup when I mark users? The developer mode of chrome doesn't show me the element.
  4. CMTV

    XF 2.0 How use user custom field in .less template?

    Hi! I have a custom user field called test_color. How can I use the value of this field in extra.less or other less templates? Is there a way to do so without involving xenForo development mode and writing addons?
  5. CMTV

    XF 2.0 LESS "when" is not working

    I have created my custom style variable questionthreads_isStylingBestAnswerUserBg. It has Boolean value type. It is set to true. Now in my LESS template I have this code: .container when (@xf-questionthreads_isStylingBestAnswerUserBg = true) { background: #000; } The problem is that this...
  6. Lukas W.

    XF 2.0 Custom Style Properties

    Anyone can tell me how to bring the custom css style properties into a .less-template? I've scanned through various of the templates, but I'm still as clueless as from the beginning, tried @Name, @_name, but the less-compiler keeps throwing Unexpected input in anonymous-file [...].
  7. CyberAP

    Unmaintained Dynamic Avatar Styling 1.0.1

    This add-on lets you customize avatar markup up to your liking (i.e. how avatars should look like). By default it only adds a complimentary gradient, which can be changed in Style Properties → Avatars → Dynamic avatar gradient color function. If you want to further expand on customizations feel...
  8. CyberAP

    Lack of interest XF 2 → Invoke LESS functions inside regular templates

    In XF 1.x.x we have built-in functions to do some operations with properties you'd expect only to be in CSS templates. For example: {xen:helper rgba ''}. It converts a color to an RGBA format. You can invoke these functions in any template. With XF 2 we get LESS, which has a lot of similar...
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