image from link

  1. BlueSquares

    Third party Image Link Error: Image Cannot Be Loaded from the Passed Link

    I'm unable to insert a URL link using the image editor. Is it because Pasteboard isn't really providing a true "png" link?
  2. DarkestPaladin

    Transitioning from 1.5 to 2.1

    Hi there, I've been using this platform for my role-playing site for about four years now. We're upgrading to 2.1 but there are a few customization options in styles that I can't find, that were readily available in 1.5. Usually in 1.5, under the 'header and navigation' property settings there...
  3. jflory7

    XF 1.5 Cannot embed images on SSL image proxy - "could not open temp file"

    Hello, I recently moved machines that my XenForo community was hosted on, and I have it running on a RHEL 7 box. I noticed recently that whenever I try to embed images in forum posts, I always get the missing-image image instead of what the picture I actually want (despite it showing properly...
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