
  1. North

    Topic or Post edit comment

    Hello. My suggestion would be the following: Make a setting whereby when you edit a topic or post you can add a comment. There would be an option to make this comment public or you could see it with the "History" button
  2. S

    XF 2.2 How To Hide Or Delete Username Changes (When Viewed As A Mod Or Admin)?

    One of our admins changed their username about a month ago. They are not a fan of the resulting icon next to their username (and the ability for them to easily see their previous username). See here: I've searched through the various threads on this help & support board, namely, here, here...
  3. Dammie

    RM 2.2 How to prevent download older version?

    Hi, im using Resource Manager on my forum with versioning. After uploading a new version I like the version history and the amount of downloads. When I look at this page I see my visitors still can download the older version. Is it possible to stop this download function of older versions but...
  4. H

    XF 2.1 last seen

    last seen failure yesterday in the forum old date on profile (Thursday 23:17) v2.1.2
  5. E

    RM 2.0 views and alter history

    I have two questions that someone hopefully could help me with. Is there a way to show how many times a resource has been viewed, kind of in the right menu where it shows amount of downloads that it has a view counter also? or is there some add-on that can do this for version 2.0? my second...
  6. D

    Our Adsense history

    It has been quite a rollercoaster... It has been awful since the ban but it seems to be recovering now. Perhaps someone finds this interesting or can even post some tips.
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