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    Lack of interest List All Users: Deleting users

    From the "List All Users" page of the ACP, if you delete a user by clicking on the red symbol, you are taken back to the main Users page (?users) The suggestion is for you to be taken back to the same page instead (?users/list). This is because I often need to delete more than one user, and...
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    Implemented Batch Update Threads - Remove Thread Prefix

    I recently had to swap the location of threads between two forums, for this, I used the Batch Update Threads tool. I applied a new prefix to denote which ones would be moved, and which ones would remain. After all of this, I expected to be able to remove the thread prefix as a mass action, but...
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    Warning Action - Ban Reason (instead of "Rule Violations")

    When a user is banned as a result of a warning action being in place, they receive the following message: This was from a temporary ban, lasting one day. However, there is no way to change the reason. No way to change "Rule violations" to be more specific. The suggestion is for there to be...
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    Lack of interest Allowable attachment file type (Permissions)

    I haven't been able to find an existing Suggestion thread for this. I would like to see allowable upload file types based on permissions, rather than the global option that they are currently. For example, someone would require elevated permissions to upload a DOC or PDF file, but they would...
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    Lack of interest Update Actions

    At the moment there are too few update actions for matched users in the Batch Update Users tool. For example, I was intending to update ten matched users to "Display user as staff", but this is not available. Instead I would have to do this individually. My suggestion is for the scope of the...
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