flash uploader

  1. Alpha1

    Google Chrome to Adobe Flash: Sayonara!!!

    Full story here: http://fortune.com/2016/05/16/google-chrome-adobe-flash/ In short: Flash and the Flash Uploader is dead. They will stop working normally in Chrome this year. I have no doubt that Firefox will follow. Most likely this Chrome will completely kill off Flash some time later.
  2. Alpha1

    Adobe Issues Emergency Update To Flash After Ransomware Attacks

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/adobe-flash-ransomware-attacks_us_57078053e4b0fc257c335950 Flash should die already. It just keeps on going with major vulnerabilities. Likely browsers will become even more restrictive and throw more warnings about flash. I wonder how long before browsers...
  3. M

    XF 1.5 Flash uploader not working

    When uploading images using the flash uploader i get the following error: "The following error occurred There was a problem uploading your file." When i turn off the flash uploader it appears fine, Can anyone point me in the right direction to find a fix for the flash uploader?
  4. Alpha1

    New zero-day exploit hits fully patched Adobe Flash (Again)

    Adobe officials have confirmed this vulnerability affects Flash version, which was released on Tuesday. The vulnerability has been cataloged as CVE-2015-7645. The company expects to release a fix next week. Attackers are exploiting a previously unknown vulnerability in fully patched...
  5. Alpha1

    Duplicate Remove Flash from XF: security warning on XenForo.com

    Browsers like Firefox are blocking Adobe Flash and showing a security warning: Firefox has prevented the unsafe plugin "Adobe Flash" from loading on xenforo.com Meanwhile Facebook is calling on Adobe to kill Flash and states that its no longer a risk worth taking. I suggest to remove Flash...
  6. Scharesoft

    Error with the Flash Uploader in Firefox

    The flash uploader for files is broken with Firefox 38.0.5. When trying to upload an image on my XenForo this error appears: If I disable the option "Use Flash Uploader" the normal upload works. With Chrome or Opera the flash uploader is working. I hope there is a solution for this bug. I...
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