
  1. LenaTDDS

    Fixed Replace an outdated link in BB-Codes

    Hello. If you have read the "bb-codes" section in Help, you may have noticed that there are examples of using bb-codes. One of the example is listed in "media" - we see an example of using bb-code media, where it says "An embedded YouTube player would appear here." At the moment, if you try to...
  2. bato3

    Not a bug Cannot redeclare class XFCP_ eval()'d code

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_Nobita_Teams_XenForo_Model_Thread in /home/xen/domains/ : eval()'d code on line 1 I'm try using this api: (undocumented option...
  3. aljaxus

    XF 1.5 Emojys are not working

    Hi i was just seaching on forums fox a fix, and i saw you are online. I am Aljaz, i own this website. I am running XF 1.5.9 Issue: Emojys are not working If you know what is the problem, please help me. Regards, Aljaz
  4. countryside

    XF 1.5 Polls & Text Boxes not appearing

    Hello, I have been working on my site for a while, and I have been given the same bug over and over again. These are the two most common things I am told: I have been told by about five people that after reloading the page, it is fixed. I have also been told that the text box to put content...
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