
  1. Mr. Jinx

    Which directories can be excluded from backup?

    I'm making daily backups of my complete forum every night. Which directories can be safely excluded to minimize the size of the backup? Currently I am excluding these directories: /internal_data/image_cache /internal_data/oembed_cache /internal_data/page_cache /internal_data/temp...
  2. XFA

    |XFA] Exclude Subcategory resources from list - XF2 2.0.0

    Description Simple add-on which avoid subcategories resources from being displayed in the category resources list. Features Hide subcategories resources from the category resources list Install/Uninstall instructions The readme is available HERE.
  3. thinkdiff

    Not a bug Exclude a folder

    I have installed Xenforo in my publick_html in my Cpanel which means my forum is available in site.com Now I want to add another folder contains my web app and want to access it in site.com/myapp. I created a folder "myapp" in public_htmll beside Xenforo files and now when I enter the URL...
  4. creativeforge

    XF 1.5 Globally hide forums/nodes from Latest Posts/Recent Posts?

    Hi, I've searched but couldn't find info on this. How can I exclude a forum/node from showing up in the Latest Posts/Recent Posts? We'd lke to exclude a "political" forum from these. No need for it. Thanks!
  5. XFA

    [XFA] Exclude Subcategory resources from list 1.0.0

    Description Simple add-on which avoid subcategories resources from being displayed in the category resources list. Features Hide subcategories resources from the category resources list Install/Uninstall instructions The readme is available HERE.
  6. Dadparvar

    XF 1.5 How to exlcude a forum's activity to be shown in recent activity page

    Hi, I want to exclude any activity of FORUM1 from being listed and shown in recent activity page. Is it possible? If yes, how? Any opinion will be appreciated. Regards, Hamed
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