error message

  1. KevRog

    Not a bug Error when sharing a thread on Facebook

    An error message is showing when we share a thread on Facebook. Any ideas on how this comes about and how we can fix it? Thanks in advance!
  2. M

    XF 1.5 Error Message When Creating New Thread

    Hi there, When a user creates a new thread they are receiving this error message "The requested thread could not be found". The post goes live as normal but it leads to numerous attempts to start threads until the user realises their thread is live. The error doesn't appear to be user related...
  3. M

    XF 1.5 An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.

    I'm having a problem with Xenoforo. When I go onto my website the only thing on my screen is this error message: "An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later." I did some research on this and I found a couple problems that could of been why it wasn't working. I think the main...
  4. creativeforge

    XF 1.5 Styling error messages?

    Hi, I've been searching for the settings to change the fonts size here. All the messages (errors and others) appearing in that location are tiny (11px?) Anyone knows where I could modify this? Thanks!
  5. creativeforge

    XF 1.4 Password Reset - Error Message styling?

    Hi, We're having loads of people saying they don't get password reset options so we have to do this manually. I was wondering what exactly happens to them, so I asked. They all say that clicking the password reset did nothing. So I tried it, and everything works perfectly EXCEPT that the error...
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