digital point spy

  1. dougiemac

    Add-on Live Feed Fix or Development (Digital Point Spy)

    Looking for a developer to either fix or develop a new DigitalPoint Spy (which stopped working for me). If redeveloped, it needs to be updated for XF 1.5.x and I'd like to add some additional functionality. If new development, add the following new functionality: a user's local time and date...
  2. dougiemac

    XF 1.5 DigitalPoint Spy Issues

    DigitalPoint Spy stopped working on me. The only thing it displays is new user registration. I've tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it...and nothing. Can anyone help?
  3. dougiemac

    Add-on WANTED: Xenforo Ninja to Tweak Digital Point Spy

    I need a Xenforo ninja that can tweak an already awesome add-on, Digital Point Spy. I have a small number of requirements captured that I can share. Please PM me if you are a well seasoned XF dev and we can discuss. Thanks!
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