bbcode code

  1. R

    XF 2.2 Does anyone know how to do this? (Color table backgrounds on posts.) not a Styles question. More a BBCode question. How do I clone this IPB post to XF

    Does anyone know how to do this? (Color table backgrounds on posts.) not a Styles question. More a BBCode question. How do I clone this IPB post to XF...
  2. Nocturne

    XF 2.1 Custom Code Block Formatting - How?

    Hello! I run a large programming forum and we're using Xenforo 2.1. The ability to format and colour code from different languages in posts is great, but I'd like to expand the available list to include other languages and correctly format them. However I can find no information on how this...
  3. D

    MG 2.1 Help me with this Media BBcode site.

    I found a 100% legal free i try to create an custom BBcode. (^https?://(?:[^./]+\.)*popcornflix\.com/.(?'id'))i embed tamplate <iframe...
  4. CMTV

    Unmaintained Code 2.2.0

    Description This addon makes code bbcode and code editor way more functional by adding copy, expand, collapse buttons, resizer bar, code line numbers and ability to highlight lines. This is an open source addon. Visit GitHub repository for source code. All my addons are free... But if you...
  5. CMTV

    Unmaintained Additional language for [code=...] bbcode

    Since xenForo 2.0.1 release you can add additional language support on your forum. There was no way to do so before due to this bug. This method of adding additional language was proposed by @Chris D. In this example, I will be adding LaTeX support. 1. Downloading PrismJS components xenForo...
  6. Sunka

    Unmaintained Staff BBcodes - 1.1

    Nice four BBcodes for your Staff members or for all your users from Nothing new, nothing big, but I like it, and maybe you will like it too. This addon contain four bbcodes: Info Help Warning Important All you have to do: upload folder from "upload folder" to your xenforo...
  7. AndreaMarucci

    XF 1.5 How to create a new BBCode

    I'm not a coder so I'm trying to understand how to do that. I've this code to embed a google map in a message <iframe src="" width="100%" height="450"></iframe> so how can I create a new BBCode to do that? There's someone...
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