[XTR] Featured Threads

Unmaintained [XTR] Featured Threads 1.0.5

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1.0.5 Changelog
  • Fixed [E_WARNING] Attempt to read property "group_id" on null
  • Confirmed XF 2.2.8+ Support.
  • Updated ACP layout.
  • Template modifications updated.
  • Like
Reactions: yin9 and cevo67
XenForo 2.2.x Compatibility Update
  • Confirm XF 2.2+ support
1.0.4 - Change log
  • Add-on templates updated .
  • Requires php 7.0+
  • Supports only XF2.2+
  • New options and style properties have been added.
  • In this release some of modifications / optimizations has been applied for XF 2.2.+

Please do not upgrade the add-on, if you are using 1.0.3 or older! You should remove old version and re-install new 1.0.4 Because, file directories and templates have been changed.

2. Please do not install the add-on, if you are using lower than XF 2.2+.
This version only support to XenForo 2.2+.
What's New 1.0.3
  • Added display positions ( Sidebar option)
  • Fixed JS bugs.
  • Added number of slides to show at a time (1-2 or 3) option.
  • Compatible with XenForo 2.1

What's New 1.0.2
  • Now users can control slider speed and more! (Suggestion comes from @easiii )

  • Added new display position (Forum view) (Suggestion comes from @kelle67 )
  • Added new phrases and fixed buttons (Suggestion comes from @gldtn )
  • Fixed fontawesome icons ( XF 2.0.x and 2.1+)
Thanks for all suggestions.
As long as I have the opportunity, your suggestions will continue to be added.

  • Less problems fixed. (Not Font Awesome 5 icons )
  • Added display positions ( Sidebar option in progress)

Note: Advanced (full) - Simple widget options will add with the next release.
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