XF2 [8WR] Member Utilities

XF2 [8WR] Member Utilities

No permission to buy ($20.00)
  • Restores the missing MAD count bubbles which were lost with XF2.3.
  • This release updates the addon to work with XenForo 2.3+.
Please inform me of any further issues with XF2.3 compatibility.
  • Removed further traces of the 2.1 username change system.
  • This release updates the addon to work with XenForo 2.2+.
  • The username change features in this addon have been removed as XF2.2 now has it's own username change system and it pretty much works exactly the same as this addon. Leaving it in would lead to system clashes and errors. All other features remain intact.
NOTE: XF2.2 is still in beta at the time of this release.
  • Fixed a bug related to the new reaction scores in the spam finder system.
  • Fixed the requirement notice for XF2.1.
  • This addon has been updated with support for XF2.1. XF2.1 will be required for all future updates.
  • Fixed a bug where not all related MAD logs were deleted on user deletions. This should prevent further false-positive numbers in the moderator notification tray. This update will also delete your current un-processed MADs to facilitate this bug fix.
  • MAD counts will now be rebuilt on user deletions.
  • Fixed a bug that prevents users from changing their usernames if they have never had a username change before.
  • Fixed a bug that would result in an incorrect number appearing in the moderation bar for MADs.
  • MAD logs should no longer be created with logged out users.
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