Weekly newsletter

Weekly newsletter 2.0

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Weekly newsletter v2.0 changes:

Email image is now contained in div and resized automatically.
Weekly newsletter v1.9 changes:

Updated stats page.
Weekly newsletter v1.8 changes:

Added the ability to add an announcement.
Weekly newsletter v1.7 changes:

Added "stats" function to show how many emails will be sent. See Questions and answers in the Overview for more information.
Weekly newsletter v1.6 changes:

Removed the built-in import function as now there is a stand-alone add-on for importing.
Weekly newsletter v1.5 changes:

Security update. The emoji field in the options page has been removed, you can add a emoji to the weeklynewsletter_subject phrase.
Weekly newsletter v1.4 changes:

Updated descriptions in the options page.
Weekly newsletter v1.3 changes:

Fixed issue with null variable.
Weekly newsletter v1.2 changes:

Now has one click unsubscribe link in email.
Weekly newsletter v1.1 changes:

Now supports high resolution logo image.
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