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Unmaintained vB4 Importer 3.6b2

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 10 reviews

very helpful
Worked great.
Imported a small vB 4.1.x latest PL this morning, worked like a charm. Had 50k posts, they took 40min alone. So for a bigger forum you need some time... :)
1.4million posts imported perfectly. Thanks!
it worked perfect painless step by step no errors .you are the best
If only going to the dentist was this painless! This importer does everything as advertised. Fast, clean and easy to use.
Awesome as always.
worked without a hitch, good resource ;)
Thank you for an awesome importer!
Well done for re-releasing this. This is an invaluable resource. We used a different importer, but having one at all is literally priceless.
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