Titan 🎮

Titan 🎮 2.2.15

No permission to buy ($30.00)

Reviews 4.75 star(s) 4 reviews

Very well functioning style support is also very helpful and fast. Very recommendable. Please continue like this.
Thanks Tealk, I appreciate the feedback!
A very beautiful, super fast and colorful theme, also at a good price.

Thank you very much for the great job Ehren :)
Thanks so much for the feedback! Hopefully this latest update will improve it even further! :)
Love the theme, Would be absolutely cool if you could get in contact with me about making it possible for a user to enter there own background URL and it save specific to them as well :) again nice theme :)
Glad you're enjoying the theme! The custom background URL was once a feature however it was removed since it simply promoted hotlinking. There are currently no plans to reintroduce that feature - sorry about that!
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