Q. This add-on claims it reduces disk/memory usage, but by how much?
A. The memory usage is derived from reducing php opcache pressure. As there is always a hidden "master" style which is used in the admincp. By default the php opcache has a limited number of "slots", which even a few XF styles can rapidly consume all the slots even if there may not be enough memory.
Atelier Aphelion[COLOR=hsl(var(--xf-editorFocusColor))], with 1 admin visible style:[/COLOR]
$ du -hs --apparent-size internal_data/code_cache/
29M internal_data/code_cache/
$ php cmd.php xf-addon:install SV/TemplatePhraseStore
$ rm -rf internal_data/code_cache/templates/
$ php cmd.php xf-rebuild:sv-phrases
$ php cmd.php xf-rebuild:sv-templates
$ du -sh --apparent-size internal_data/code_cache/templates/
7.8M internal_data/code_cache/templates/
Sufficient Velocity, which contains a number of end-user visible styles, this is a more significant saving:
$ du -hs --apparent-size internal_data/code_cache/
62M internal_data/code_cache/
$ sudo php cmd.php xf-addon:install SV/TemplatePhraseStore
$ sudo php cmd.php xf-rebuild:sv-phrases
$ sudo php cmd.php xf-rebuild:sv-templates
$ rm -rf internal_data/code_cache/templates/l* internal_data/code_cache/phrase_groups/l*
$ du -sh --apparent-size internal_data/code_cache/templates/
8.8M internal_data/code_cache/templates/