Social Groups for XenForo

Social Groups for XenForo 2.1.33 Patch Level 6

No permission to buy ($49.00)
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
Single Use License (may be used on one website)
Updates duration
Lifetime for Xenforo versions listed above
Visible branding
This is a complete, fully configurable social group system that allows for group discussions, forums, event calendars and a basic group photo album.

The ability to create each section of the group is fully usergroup permissions based. So if you don't want a user group to create a photo album, you just turn off that ability.

  • Create Group Forum
  • Create Group Discussion area*
  • Create Group Photo Album (with photo comments)
  • Create Group Event Calendar
  • Limit number of groups a user can join
  • Limit number of groups a user can create
  • Add/Remove Group Moderators
  • Groups can be open, private or invite only
  • Transfer Group Ownership
  • And more!
*Group discussions are totally separate from XenForo's node system and they are not interchangable. Think of group discussions as giant conversations (private or otherwise).

Changes not in XF 1.x version
  • Moved group owner, group moderator and group member permissions from hard coded to admin area
  • Group banners now resized and cropped to fit when uploaded
  • Native XF tables no longer modified in any way
  • Add/Remove moderators moved from owner tools to members tab menu
  • Group discussions expanded to work just like a forum (but still not a forum)
Additions not in XF 1.x version
  • Approve new members from member list
  • Invited users shown in member list
  • Large banner can now be displayed above group menu
  • Event calendar
  • XenForo Media gallery support
  • Popular group display
  • Google map BB Code
WARNING: If you are upgrading from the XF 1.x version, you must have been running version 1.4.0 or later of the XF 1.x add-on before upgrading to XenForo 2.1. If you were not, you will be unable to upgrade to this XF 2.x version.

First release
Last update


4.63 star(s) 8 ratings

More resources from Ozzy47

Latest updates

  1. Social Groups for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.1.33 Patch Level 6

    2.1.33 Patch Level 6: Avoid "Creating default object from empty value" and "Attempt to assign...
  2. Social Groups for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.1.33 Patch Level 1

    Changelog: Removed obsolete media watermarking code Fixed photo & photo comments alerts...
  3. Social Groups for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.1.33

    Fixed call delete() method on null Small code refactor & cleanup

Latest reviews

Thank you very much for this excellent add-on. It is helping us to expand our community and bringing users more features which isn't implemented in core system.
It’s pretty good, All though I do recommend the social group forums not to show on the node page in the admin cp it might slow the admin cp down as people create more groups besides that amazing plug-in
This is a superb add on, it has been solid since I installed it last year, looking forward to trying it with XF v2.2
The good:
- It works. It's stable.
- The forum and media capabilities are very good. You can either use simple discussion threads, or allow them to use full forums. Same goes for media, either simple photos, or full media XFMG categories.

Room for improvement:
- The front page could use a face-lift and some design improvements. It doesn't seem to have been updated since the first release. In these times people want to find the relevant content fast. The front page right now doesn't hold information that would be useful, it is JUST a name. Nothing else. That's not a good design. Look at IPS Clubs for inspiration.
A) Location. Sure you can add a few categories, but you can't add for every single country in the world. So you add Google Map Embed, and you can easily view groups by location on the index page. Want to easily find a group close to where you live? Browse by location!
B) FILTERS/group tags! And sidebar on index. So you can show both categories (in sidebar), and "popular group" view at the same time, if you want. And it needs options to filter the groups. Location (as mentioned above), but also through custom fields, club type, tags etc. Make it easier for your members to find relevant groups! That what us forum owners want, engaging our members in the group feature and letting them easily find the right groups for them!
C) UI. So the groups would have banner behind their names, but also shows avatar of the owner, number of members, latest activity etc. Just some useful information about the group, without having to click into each one. Nice!
D) Show featured groups on the index. Just like for XF RM and XF MG.

- Group information page is a bit pale. It could use group location, recent activity feed, custom fields, new members widget etc. Something to bring what is essentially the front page of the group, to life.

So far the addon is at 4 stars if I'm generous. It has room for improvement to bring it into 2020, things have changed since 2017, and the competition is sharper.

But then there's the calendar.
- The calendar is extremely bare-bones. You can't RSVP to events, which is the biggest issue. So you can't say that you are coming to an event.. You can't see a guest-list, since there is no way to register for it. Can't set location of event by using google embed API. Can't invite specific members to events. Can't comment on events. So, yeah... I've had my test group go though the site (including the group addon), and most of them were really puzzled with the event calendar not really being useful and not being able to do basic things like RSVP and comment on the events.

TLDR: As it stands right now, for me, it is average. I bought this one instead of the other main competitor, as I thought the creator seemed more reliable (which for me has often been very important when picking creators that listen to their customers), as he had favorable reviews, and the other one had some privacy issues (though that has later been resolved, and I've seen that the other addon has received much more frequent updates and improvements that are not present here).

That said, there are a lot of potential, but it isn't utilized. I am however happy to edit this review, if it is updated later on, but as it stands now, this rating is accurate.
This an excellent AddOn! It adds great functionality to your board and our users love it. The developer is very responsive.
This is a truly amazing addon. Snog fixes issues quickly, is reliable with a quality product, and the product is just amazing if groups suit your forum. I, and my staff, are tired of the nonsense that occurs in PC's, so we have removed them from the site and opted to create groups instead, where all staff can access the groups for moderation purposes, keeping an eye on the nonsense and minimising issues that occur in social sites. Amazing product. Highly recommend this addon.
High quality product that does exactly what it says. Also highly responsive developer who reacts quickly to support queries.
Excellent addon, working great on my forum. I love event feature. It allow me to create event for the group and the public.
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