Simple grid and rounded nodes

Simple grid and rounded nodes 1.1

No permission to download
Do you support customisation?
Note that this style was developed for my own forum, and as such it's offered freely here as is. I'll do my best to answer questions about any changes you want to make but I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer fully. Once you have have made changes I may not be able to fix any issues arising. All the changes made to the default xenForo style are easily visible in the customised components list of the style.

How do I install it?
  • Download the zip style
  • Go to your Admin Control Panel > Appearance > Styles
  • Import button
  • Choose the style you downloaded
  • Import as child of style: no parent OR
  • Child of default xenForo
  • Add your own logo via the Style properties > basic options

Can I import this as a child style of a 3rd party theme I already installed?
Maybe, but if there are issues I may not be able to help you.

Can I have more than two columns?
Yes add an extra auto to the extra.less template:
Rich (BB code):
            display: grid;
            gap:0px 10px;
            grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;

How do I get the boxed subforum column display?
Uncomment the code at the bottom of extra.less template (line 130: optional subforums in box and columns)

How do I "uncomment"?
If you are not used to dealing with simple code, beware. Make a backup of the style (by exporting)
To uncomment remove the opening /* and closing */
Any code between those two comments will now become active (after you have saved).

Can I send you a donation?
Yes that is very kind, I'm more than little touched.

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