Showcase Filter by AddonsLab

Showcase Filter by AddonsLab 2.9.0

No permission to buy ($69.99)
Question: What the steps to follow immediately after installation to make sure the existing data is available for search?


1. Admin -> Setup -> Enhanced search -> Optimize (only if using Enhanced Search)

2. Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild Showcase Fields - indexation of all existing showcase fields into a separate MySQL table

3. Tools -> Rebuild Caches -> Rebuild search index - select Custom showcase fields as content type and rebuild.

4. Admin -> Forums -> Custom showcase fields -> [Edit a field] - check Allow Filter checkbox if you want the field to be shown in filters.

5. Admin -> Forums -> Nodes [Edit a node] - setup the fields to be shown in showcase list directly under "Show in Item List".

6. Make sure Can use custom field filters permission is enabled for appropriate usergroups. If you want to make it available for all users, you should consider enabling it for guests and for registered users usergroups.

Check product description for more details about features available in the product.
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