SAPE Links

SAPE Links 1.0.2

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How to configure add-on?
Upload your SAPE code folder to the root of your webspace, make it writable (chmod 777) and enter the folder’s name in add-on options, and then enable add-on. Now it’s time to add advertising and/or widgets in desired places. Add-on’s Test mode option can help you to design the links block and estimate page layout.

How to configure widget parameters?
All widget parameters are configured on widget page.

How to configure advertising parameters?
You have to add macros call in HTML field of advertising, this is the minimal version of code needed (default parameters will be used):
<xf:macro template="zavr_sape_links" name="zavr_sape_links" />
You can add any of the listed below parameters (that starts with arg-). These are defaults (take a look at zavr_sape_links template):
  • arg-totalLinks="100" (maximum number of links to render within block, should be set for each advertising position otherwise the remaining links for page would be rendered – maximum links number per page is defined at
  • arg-styleLinks="no style" (links block styling, additional options are: block, post)
  • arg-renderEmptyBlock="false" (whether to display links block even if there no links to render, additional option is true)
  • arg-titleBlock="{{ phrase('zavr_sape_links_titleAdBlock') }}" (title of block, customise phrase as needed)
  • arg-showTitleBlock="false" (whether to add title to links block)
  • arg-postLogoURL="/data/ad_avatar.png" (optional, defines logo URL, applicable when links block style is post --> arg-styleLinks="post")
  • arg-postURLforLogo="" (optional, defines URL for click on logo and title, applicable when links block style is post --> arg-styleLinks="post")
  • arg-blockOrientation="horizontal" (links block orientation, additional option is vertical)
So the final code might look like this:
<xf:macro template="zavr_sape_links" name="zavr_sape_links" arg-blockOrientation="vertical" arg-styleLinks="block" arg-totalLinks="2" />

I’d like to use an advertising positions but it’s too complicated for me to configure parameters for macros call in advertising (like mentioned above) – is there a way around?
You can use widget invocation tag in advertising. First you configure widget in a way you like but don’t choose any position so widget wouldn’t automatically rendered. Next add advertising you like and use this code <xf:widget key="sape_links" /> in HTML field where sape_links is a widget key you chose when created widget.

What templates does add-on modify?
post_macros (used by context links only)

How do I translate add-on?
All phrases’ names contain zavr_sape_links for your convenience.

Which themes does add-on compatible with?
Author tested add-on with native (default) XenForo theme, ThemeHouse UI.X 2 theme, Xenfocus Dimension Pro theme. Generally speaking it should work with any theme, but pre-coded styling (block, post) can behave differently if theme uses different css names – in this case use your own template in widget or design links block style as you wish in advertising along with arg-styleLinks="no style" option).

Where could I see the real usage of add-on?
Check these websites: ,
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