v1.5.7 update contains the following:
To Update:
- Fixed Pinterest include for SSL mixed content
- Changed Pinterest anchor link to use #navigation
- Fixed issue with other addon conflicts
Re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
v1.5.6 update contains the following:
To Update:
- Added dynamic loading of Pinterest pinmarklet.js for Pinterest button
- Removed forum name from share titles/text
- Fixed PopupCenter issue on certain buttons
- Updates to CSS for naming convention
- Button option reordering
Re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
v1.5.5 update contains the following:
To Update:
- Improvements to how share urls are retrieved and processed
- Improvements to how share titles are retrieved and processed
- Improvements to URL encoding for button links
- Removed encoding from phrase “rrssb_email_subject” (if you have edited this phrase with a custom encoded phrase you must remove the encoding else the phrase will not be recognised)
Re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
v1.5.4 update contains the following:
To Update:
- Fixed an issue where js would be included twice when using sidebar addons in threads and pages.
- Updated Facebook svg icon
- Added Hacker News share button
- Added VK share button
- Added missing CSS for tiny button size svg icon colors for Delicious & Stumbleupon
- Fixed jQuery variable reference error
Re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
v1.5.3 update contains the following:
To Update:
- Fix missing js from member profile pages
From version 1.5.2 just upgrade the addon with the new XML file.
From version 1.5.1 or previous re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
v1.5.2 update contains the following:
Important: If you have manually added the JavaScript file "rrssb.min.js" to other addon templates please check those addons as this update may cause issues with js inclusion being placed inline.
- Improvements to how share urls are retrieved and processed
- Improvements to Template Modification conditionals
- Updated Twitter sharing URL format (if you have a Twitter Username set in the admin options you will need to remove the @ symbol from that setting)
- Updated faq with information about Facebook OG:meta data
It is advised to include the js within the template "page_container_js_body" at the bottom with a condition for the addon content template. EG:
Code:<xen:if is="{$contentTemplate} == 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'"> <xen:require css="SV_rrssbDefault.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/rrssb/rrssb.min.js"></script> </xen:if>
To Update:
Re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
A quick update to fix the missing titles and issues with quotation marks and apostrophes in shares.
v1.5.1 update contains the following:
To Update:
- Improvements to how share titles elements are retrieved and processed
Re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
v1.5 beta update contains the following:
- Added support for default sidebar locations (beta)
- Updated Tumblr sharing URL to new URL format
- Added Delicious share button
- Added StumbleUpon share button
- Fixed an issue where page node navigation would obstruct share buttons
- Fixed and issue where js was not included if only top location in pages was enabled
- Fixed an issue where icon hit areas were breaking out of containers
- Updated option to exclude nodes (forums and pages)
- Added option to set custom Pinterest image share URL
- Added style properties to set a single button color and hover color to all buttons
- Updated CSS so that the button icon color matches the button text color style property
- Added URL Encoding for button links
- Updated template modifications to regular expressions to better handle custom styles
- Reordering of Admin Options, CSS and Style Properties to match button order
- Added branding to footer - removable with payment
Sidebar Sharing Buttons
To Update:
Re-upload the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
v1.4.1 update contains the following:
To Update:
- Fixed an issue with large button icons size
From version 1.4 just upgrade the addon with the new XML file.
From version 1.3.2 or previous re-upload all the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
Page node support has been added to this release.
v1.4 update contains the following:
To Update:
- Added support for page nodes
- Added top and bottom position options for page nodes
- Added an option to enable "Call to Action" text above share buttons for pages
- Fixed an issue with medium size button icons overlapping content below
Re-upload the files from the upload folder and then upgrade the addon with the new xml file from the xml folder.
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